Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blah, blah, blah

So I have been asking myself, why would I risk hurting my body so much by eating things that are bad for it?  I see others with diabetes or some other disease and think, why don't they take care of themselves?  It seems so selfish to not take care of yourself when others are depending on you to be alive and able to take care and help them- especially those with children. 
In my musings I have decided I really keep thinking I can take care of this later.  I eat well for a while and feel great and then I get tired or busy and just eat something fast and easy.  If I have planned ahead healthy foods for me that is fast and easy but inevitably I run out.  If I am not bothered by the allergen I decide I can eat it for a while.  I'll get back to eating well later.
A few weeks ago I had an enchilada that really closed up my throat.  I was miserable with the gas pains of air I breathe in but can't get out since the airway is so constricted.  I drank benadryl and it worked out eventually.  I had to ride it out just like every other time I have done that to myself.  I couldn't even pinpoint what gave me the reaction because there were so many allergens in the enchilada.
I am learning a lot. I really try not to judge others with their problems because I have as many or more than they do. 
Even though I put off taking care of myself I keep coming back to it.  I still have a sore in my mouth reminding me to eat healthy.  I'm not sure if it was the ham deli meat(preservatives) or the white bread(wheat, soy, and potato flour).  Good times everyone!

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